13/2 – 13/3 2010

45 billedhuggere fra mindst fire forskellige generationer har indtaget hver deres 80×80 cm store kvadrat i SKULPTURI’s lokale og har dermed etableret en situation, hvor skulpturen opleves som et felt af sideordnede processer, tegn og handlinger i stedet for et isoleret objekt. Materiale- og formgivningsvalg spænder vidt, men de mange brudflader og modsætninger fortættes i den overordnede kategori ‘ting’.

Forty-five sculptors from at least four different generations have each taken up their own 80×80 centimeter large squares inside SKULPTURI’s exhibition room and have thereby established a situation where the sculpture is experienced as a field of coordinated processes, signs and actions instead of as an isolated object. The material- and designchoices vary greatly but the many fractured surfaces and contradictions have been concentrated into the overall category of “things”.

3/1 - 2/2 2008

Kritisk Form fokuserer på dialogen med det omgivende samfund som skulpturen ansporer.  Den fundamentale tese er at skulpturen ikke længere kun er et æstetisk fænomen, men derimod, siden 60’erne, er blevet en sprogførende arbejdsform, der forholder sig kritisk, men også uhøjtideligt, til det omgivende samfunds aktuelle sociale, politiske og historiske emner. Kurateret af Lars Bent Pedersen

Critical Forms focus on the critical dialogue with the surrounding society which sculpture instigates. The fundamental thesis is that sculpture is no longer simply an aesthetic phenomenon, rather it has, from the sixties on, become an increasingly critical and language based way of exposing and relating to social, political and historical contexts. Curated by Lars Bent Pedersen